Season 2, Episode 6: A Modern Convenience

Season 2
Episode 6
"A Modern Convenience"

It’s the 4th Tues and time for a NEW EPISODE! May I present “A Modern Convenience”!

Today’s offering for your ears and brain is penned by regular cast member Beth Abdallah! Listen for her in the play as Shannon!!

Friends, have you ever wondered what it would be like to have magic at your fingertips? To have the power to transform the soiled, damaged, and unwanted things cluttering up your life into something fresh and new? And have you ever wondered what it would be like to have all of it in one not so compact machine? Well, be careful what you wish for. Join us now for a grisly tale of mangled professional and marital dreams, in the play “A Modern Convenience.”

Writer: Beth Abdallah
Director/Producer: Aimee Pavy
Narrator: Josh Horowitz
Shannon: Beth Abdallah
Tyler/Delivery Man 2: Aaron Seymour
Cassandra: Crystal Why
Pierce/Delivery Man 1: Matthew Nelson
Featured Music: Clip from the track: "Mechanical Gossip" by Zreen Toyz, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Cover Art: Antonio Toro
Logo Design: Michael Dern

Shout outs and thank yous:

The Breaking Walls Podcast – Please check out James Scully's amazing podcast about the history of American dramatic radio! The Wall

Please join us next time for a bizarre tale of science, murder, and voices from beyond the grave, in a tale engineered to shock you to the core of your soul, the play “Call of the Dead.”

Find us on iTunes, Podchaser, Stitcher, wherever you find podcasts. If you enjoy our plays, please SUBSCRIBE and leave your review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts or drop us a line via email at New episodes post the 4th Tues of every month!! And thank you for listening to Twelve Chimes, It’s Midnight.


* BluBrry 


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